
My heart sank this morning when I got an email from Andrew saying that he had to return Keiko, that he's not ready to have a cat, the old it's not you it's me story.  So sadly he is bringing Keiko back tonight.  Rick, his foster dad, is great, and is happily accepting her back.

That's two returns recently and both so quickly.  I feel like in both cases they didn't give it enough time but once people's minds are made up no sense trying to change it, better to find another home for the cats.  The most important thing is that it's the right home and a forever one.

Kempo went home last weekend and then had to go back to the vet this week when he wasn't eating.  Of course at the vet he's been eating just fine, maybe he likes it better there than at his home or just prefers the food.

Tomorrow I take the 13 year old cat to be spayed, hope all goes well, I'm nervous about a cat that old having surgery, but it's about time she stopped having kittens.

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