Keiko has left the building

Last September Jackie asked me to feed her ferals, who are near our colony.  I showed up to do just that and a little black cat ran up to me meowing.  I thought well you aren't a feral cat, but we didn't have a carrier with us and she was gone when we went back.  The next day Steve went back and there she was again so he scooped her up and off to the vet she went.  She went briefly to a foster home then to Ian's, but when she didn't get along with his cats, we found another foster for her.  I guess when I didn't get a bio or photos I secretly hoped he would adopt her but no, it was just another way station for Keiko.

We posted her just recently on Urban Cat Relief and amazingly in just one week she had an inquiry.  A lovely man named Andrew came and met her and spent about 45 minutes visiting.  At the end when he wanted to think about it I thought that was that but a day later he called to say he wanted to adopt Keiko and tonight he came to pick her up.  It's his first cat on his own, fingers crossed it works out well and she is finally in her forever home.

Good luck, Keiko, so glad you didn't have to spend the winter down there, you wouldn't have survived.  It's just sunny windowsills and food a plenty for you beautiful girl.

Thank you to all who have recently donated to my sponsor a feral campaign!  I am truly grateful for the support, the cats thank you.  When you see them tuck into a bowl of food after a day of being without it's very satisfying and I thank you for helping me fill their bellies.

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