Fluffy Feeling Better and Released

Fluffy released Friday night

Fluffy responded well to her treatment, and we were able to pick her up from the vets and release her back at the park Friday night.  She dashed out of the carrier when we opened it like she was going to run as far away from us as she could, but she stopped short about 15 feet away, quickly dropped into a sitting position, and looked around.  She must have felt it was OK afterall, she was back home, and decided to not to bolt and to take a long stretch instead.  I am sure she needed it after being in the carrier coming back from Nicosia.

Letting Fluffy out of the carrier

Fluffy heads for the grotto

Fluffy investigating

Fluffy decides to slow down and take a stretch

I didn't see her yesterday at the feeding, so I will be keeping an extra eye out for her tonight to make sure she is OK.  She is likely spooked. 

She was not well enough to be spayed while at the vet.  We need to wait another week, But as for her age and maturitiy, it is time.


Godspeed, Fluffy.  She was very sick, but it looks like we caught it just in time. 
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How Lulu Got Her Meow Back

Lulu is sounding a lot better.  She's got her meow back.  When she came home from the vet, she sounded like a locust or a cicada , or what the Greeks here call a tsitsiraki (τσιτσιρακη).

Lulu is meowing again and no longer sounds like a locust

She is still breathing with labor, is still very thin, and feels very fragile, but her appetite is better.

She has been getting special meals of Carrefour pate, several small ones a day, which she loves, by herself in the bathroom (no other cats!).  And I have been spending time just sitting with her, which I think is really important, and sleeping with her at night.  Also, she has the space heater aimed her way and all to herself.  It's been very important to keep her warm because she is so thin. 
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Another Cat Sick, Fluffy from the Park


I didn't see Fluffy yesterday, which had me concerned.  She always stays near the table I feed from at the park, down at the lower level of the park.  She sleeps there.  She plays there, along with Pookie, Soze, and Princess.

She showed up late today and I could see right away how sick she was.  She had messed herself and her eyes were sunken, she was weak and shaky.  She had lost a lot of fluid.  I put down food for her but she didn't eat.

I went home to get a carrier, went back and had to search for her in the tall weeds.  I finally found her, thanks to King and Petey, and after some patience I was able to grab her by the scruff of the neck and put her into the carrier.  Nik met me at the house to took her to the vet.

Nik took Fluffy to the vet

The vet said she had the same thing the Hero had, but her body temperature hadn't fallen yet.  However she was very dehydrated and the prognosis is not good. 

Fluffy is such a sweet shy quiet little cat.  She's small and young, probably about 9 months old.  She reminds me of Zsa Zsa.  But I was finally able to get close to Fluffy and sometimes I could pet her.  She is a bit of a loner and just recently had started playing with the other young cats.  She showed up out of nowhere this past summer one day all by herself.  I don't know who she belongs to, i.e., who her mom was, but it never looked like she had any siblings.  Once she got more familiar with me she would stumble toward me on her short stiff front legs with her puffy body atop, which became even puffier this winter.  It was so cute. 

I hope she is going to be alright.  Please send her your prayers.

Please pray for Fluffy

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