The 20 Cats Sponsored by Cats in Need Cyprus

I was so happy when Cats in Need generously offered to sponsor the sterilization of 20 cats for me recently. Doing TNR and feeding cat colonies by yourself can not only be exhausting, it can be very expensive, so I was delighted and grateful when Cats in Need offered to help.  It was a big help.  And just in time, as several cats at my house were coming of age.

Cats in Need is a charity organization abroad that helps people like me doing TNR in Cyprus.  It is Cats in Need that donated my traps once upon a time, and they have helped me a lot since I began doing this in 2011. 

Please, if you would like to help Cats in Need help people like me in Cyprus, they welcome donations, and they are wonderful folks.  I get a lot of emotional support from them too, even a hug or two.  You can donate to Cats in Need here, a very worthy cause: Cats in Need

So!  Let's unveil the cats!

Here's a roundup of the 20 Altered Cats! sponsored by Cats in Need:

1. Starlight

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Starlight, mother extraordinaire, who also must have received Abraham's promise of many heirs

2. Sox

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Sox, who loves to do the scoop

(Speaking of which, here is a picture of Jayne from Cats in Need Cyprus visiting with the above two, Starlight and Sox, at my house before this transpired.  It wasn't planned, but they turned out to be the first two cats I altered!  I thought it was funny!  It must have been Jayne's tap!)

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Jayne petting Sox with Starlight behind

3. Crackers:

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Crackers in bed is a GREAT habit

4. Bouncie

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Bouncie, the toe nibbler, who prefers bouncing to walking

5. Rudolph

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Rudi likes to play in all the reindeer games

6. Bonnie

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Beautiful ingénue Bonnie needs a pink bedroom

7. Boogie

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Boogie, the precious water artist, working on her MFA

8. Vincent

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Shy, head tilting charmer, Vinnie Vinnie Voo!

9. Vanna

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Vanna, with her little black leather nose, granddaughter to Big Van from Sammy's, and his namesake

10. Olive

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Olive Oil, because she goes down so smooth and heals.  She likes to lick fingies and has a tiny goatee.

11. Dimples

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Dimples, one of the delectable Candies, who croaks like a frog

12. Innocence

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Innocence, better known as Innie, the adorable loudmouth

13. and 14. were sisters, Dusty and Zelda, from the park

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Dusty and Zelda, some serious dark sugar rush when they pile on to love you!

15. Bubbles

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Bubbles, but I call her Baba.  Small, sassy, and in charge!
16. Godfrey

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Photogenic Godfrey, found as a tiny kitten at the nearby dump, still thinks I'm a tree

17. Rainbow

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Rainbow, a friendly neighbourhood cat, taught Sox the scoop

18. Alethia

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My little Doris Day, Alethia, plays the acordian

19. Punky

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Punky da da, perpetually surprised, wonderful mother figure

20. Cocoa

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I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, she walks like a ballet dancer with great turnout.

and one for good luck :)  I got a little extra discount at the vets so I was able to do one more:
21. Stuart Little

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Hi Stu! Tiny man with hooks for claws!  Likes to scare the dog!

Thank you again Sue and Jayne and Cats in Need!

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