Fluffy Feeling Better and Released

Fluffy released Friday night

Fluffy responded well to her treatment, and we were able to pick her up from the vets and release her back at the park Friday night.  She dashed out of the carrier when we opened it like she was going to run as far away from us as she could, but she stopped short about 15 feet away, quickly dropped into a sitting position, and looked around.  She must have felt it was OK afterall, she was back home, and decided to not to bolt and to take a long stretch instead.  I am sure she needed it after being in the carrier coming back from Nicosia.

Letting Fluffy out of the carrier

Fluffy heads for the grotto

Fluffy investigating

Fluffy decides to slow down and take a stretch

I didn't see her yesterday at the feeding, so I will be keeping an extra eye out for her tonight to make sure she is OK.  She is likely spooked. 

She was not well enough to be spayed while at the vet.  We need to wait another week, But as for her age and maturitiy, it is time.


Godspeed, Fluffy.  She was very sick, but it looks like we caught it just in time. 
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How Lulu Got Her Meow Back

Lulu is sounding a lot better.  She's got her meow back.  When she came home from the vet, she sounded like a locust or a cicada , or what the Greeks here call a tsitsiraki (τσιτσιρακη).

Lulu is meowing again and no longer sounds like a locust

She is still breathing with labor, is still very thin, and feels very fragile, but her appetite is better.

She has been getting special meals of Carrefour pate, several small ones a day, which she loves, by herself in the bathroom (no other cats!).  And I have been spending time just sitting with her, which I think is really important, and sleeping with her at night.  Also, she has the space heater aimed her way and all to herself.  It's been very important to keep her warm because she is so thin. 
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Another Cat Sick, Fluffy from the Park


I didn't see Fluffy yesterday, which had me concerned.  She always stays near the table I feed from at the park, down at the lower level of the park.  She sleeps there.  She plays there, along with Pookie, Soze, and Princess.

She showed up late today and I could see right away how sick she was.  She had messed herself and her eyes were sunken, she was weak and shaky.  She had lost a lot of fluid.  I put down food for her but she didn't eat.

I went home to get a carrier, went back and had to search for her in the tall weeds.  I finally found her, thanks to King and Petey, and after some patience I was able to grab her by the scruff of the neck and put her into the carrier.  Nik met me at the house to took her to the vet.

Nik took Fluffy to the vet

The vet said she had the same thing the Hero had, but her body temperature hadn't fallen yet.  However she was very dehydrated and the prognosis is not good. 

Fluffy is such a sweet shy quiet little cat.  She's small and young, probably about 9 months old.  She reminds me of Zsa Zsa.  But I was finally able to get close to Fluffy and sometimes I could pet her.  She is a bit of a loner and just recently had started playing with the other young cats.  She showed up out of nowhere this past summer one day all by herself.  I don't know who she belongs to, i.e., who her mom was, but it never looked like she had any siblings.  Once she got more familiar with me she would stumble toward me on her short stiff front legs with her puffy body atop, which became even puffier this winter.  It was so cute. 

I hope she is going to be alright.  Please send her your prayers.

Please pray for Fluffy

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Updates - What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas

I have a lot of updating to do to this blog.  For instance, this feeding stations map, which right now is still over in the sidebar, is no longer accurate.  I have decided, for good reasons, not to draw a new one. 

The Feeding Stations, updated 3 photo Untitledpngthenewfeedingstations2_zps58393ad2.png
This feeding station map is no longer accurate.

Let's just say I've decided it's between the cats and me.

I love blogging (we used to call it writing), and I find it edifying, but it is time consuming. I am busier with the cats than I have ever been.  I reached my free picture host limit on Blogger's Picassa long before I reached my free cat host limit.  Since then I have been using an alternate photo host and storage to post pictures here.  That makes blogging take twice as long, needing two windows open.  The photo host locks up.  To insert a url no longer works and I have to insert them in HTML.  Then all heck breaks loose on the spacing of the post.  If you have ever used Blogger you understand.  I have considered moving over to Wordpress, and I started to.  Maybe in time I will make the switch. I suppose I could buy more storage here, but the idea of giving the big G any more information than they already have on me seems unwise, and I would rather spend the money on the cats, even if it is just a couple of bucks.

What can I say?  I'm cheap.  I'm cat cheap. 

I will get around to updating the blog soon, in particular the pages. 

But regarding updating the feeding stations map, I'll heed these words from a wise friend:


Sonata eating photo IMG_9641_zps85e594b1.jpg
"What happens at the feeding stations, stays at the feeding stations."
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The 20 Cats Sponsored by Cats in Need Cyprus

I was so happy when Cats in Need generously offered to sponsor the sterilization of 20 cats for me recently. Doing TNR and feeding cat colonies by yourself can not only be exhausting, it can be very expensive, so I was delighted and grateful when Cats in Need offered to help.  It was a big help.  And just in time, as several cats at my house were coming of age.

Cats in Need is a charity organization abroad that helps people like me doing TNR in Cyprus.  It is Cats in Need that donated my traps once upon a time, and they have helped me a lot since I began doing this in 2011. 

Please, if you would like to help Cats in Need help people like me in Cyprus, they welcome donations, and they are wonderful folks.  I get a lot of emotional support from them too, even a hug or two.  You can donate to Cats in Need here, a very worthy cause: Cats in Need

So!  Let's unveil the cats!

Here's a roundup of the 20 Altered Cats! sponsored by Cats in Need:

1. Starlight

Starlight photo IMG_3947Starlight1_zpsb6231fde.jpg
Starlight, mother extraordinaire, who also must have received Abraham's promise of many heirs

2. Sox

Sox altered photo IMG_6609_zps98abf2bc.jpg
Sox, who loves to do the scoop

(Speaking of which, here is a picture of Jayne from Cats in Need Cyprus visiting with the above two, Starlight and Sox, at my house before this transpired.  It wasn't planned, but they turned out to be the first two cats I altered!  I thought it was funny!  It must have been Jayne's tap!)

Jayne and Scoopy Sox photo Jayneandscoopysox_zpsf0f26b11.jpg
Jayne petting Sox with Starlight behind

3. Crackers:

Crackers photo IMG_6160JPGCrackers163_zps6805de46.jpg
Crackers in bed is a GREAT habit

4. Bouncie

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Bouncie, the toe nibbler, who prefers bouncing to walking

5. Rudolph

Rudi Rudolph photo RudiRudolph_zpsb63dda76.jpg
Rudi likes to play in all the reindeer games

6. Bonnie

Bonnie photo IMG_8499_zpsa10318cd.jpg
Beautiful ingénue Bonnie needs a pink bedroom

7. Boogie

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Boogie, the precious water artist, working on her MFA

8. Vincent

Vincent photo IMG_9449VincentandToy3_zps4932d3b7.jpg
Shy, head tilting charmer, Vinnie Vinnie Voo!

9. Vanna

Vanna photo IMG_7855_zpsedb51c8b.jpg
Vanna, with her little black leather nose, granddaughter to Big Van from Sammy's, and his namesake

10. Olive

Olive photo IMG_5257_zps4f91e8f1.jpg
Olive Oil, because she goes down so smooth and heals.  She likes to lick fingies and has a tiny goatee.

11. Dimples

Dimples photo IMG_8564Dimples_zps9ca2bc3e.jpg
Dimples, one of the delectable Candies, who croaks like a frog

12. Innocence

Innie Innocence photo IMG_8572Innie_zps83141eee.jpg
Innocence, better known as Innie, the adorable loudmouth

13. and 14. were sisters, Dusty and Zelda, from the park

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Dusty and Zelda, some serious dark sugar rush when they pile on to love you!

15. Bubbles

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Bubbles, but I call her Baba.  Small, sassy, and in charge!
16. Godfrey

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Photogenic Godfrey, found as a tiny kitten at the nearby dump, still thinks I'm a tree

17. Rainbow

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Rainbow, a friendly neighbourhood cat, taught Sox the scoop

18. Alethia

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My little Doris Day, Alethia, plays the acordian

19. Punky

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Punky da da, perpetually surprised, wonderful mother figure

20. Cocoa

Cocoa photo IMG_8582Cocoa3_zps2f0de577.jpg
I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, she walks like a ballet dancer with great turnout.

and one for good luck :)  I got a little extra discount at the vets so I was able to do one more:
21. Stuart Little

Stu photo IMG_8439_zps8b5a890d.jpg
Hi Stu! Tiny man with hooks for claws!  Likes to scare the dog!

Thank you again Sue and Jayne and Cats in Need!

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Heartbreak - Losing Sunshine in The No Generation

I believe in some blending of hope and sunshine sweetening the worst lots. I believe that this life is not all; neither the beginning nor the end. I believe while I tremble; I trust while I weep.

- Charlotte Bronte

Sunshine photo Sunshine_zps2d150513.jpg

I was asked to help this beautiful new-born kitten by a kind young man named Christopher who contacted me through Facebook.  He met a kind young lady named Victoria at the vet.  She found the kitten, an apparent orphan.  They both brought the kitten to me late Wednesday night.

I originally posted their photo on Facebook to ask for help, along with a plea.  Although there were a handful of shares, and close to 400 people saw the post, no one responded to help.  I agreed to take him.  I believe it would have been better if someone with more time and energy nursed him, for his sake.  But there was no one.

He came rather strong I thought.  He fought valiantly the first 18 hours, but then he seemed to weaken last night.  I fell asleep on the sofa.  I was exhausted.  I didn't wake to feed him again until this morning, and he was already fading away.  I blame myself.  I think if I had woken in the middle of the night he would have had a better chance. 

I feel sad when I ask for help and there is silence. I feel sad when I think of Jesus saying the harvest is great, but the workers are few.  He commanded us to therefore pray God sends more workers into the harvest.  I pray this. 

I have a name for this new silent generation.  I call them The No Generation. 

These two young people who brought me the new-born kitten were Good Samaritans, lovely young people who I pray will never change.  Yet, they put their trust in me and I failed them and I feel terrible. 

Sunshine passed away this morning despite all my protesting and prayers, despite all my efforts to keep him warm and to wake him from the sleep I saw him falling into, and despite all the animal rights and welfare activists hollering on Facebook.  He stopped taking the milk, his suckling grew weaker and weaker.  I am greatly saddened, I feel helpless, and yet I still have faith.  I said yes.  I still believe it would have been better for the kitten if someone else had said yes.  But there was no one willing. 

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Victoria, the lovely young woman who saved Sunshine, bought formula for him.  She bought a lovely carrier for him that when I look at I want to cry.  She brought him wrapped in the softest blankets. 

I do not know if Sunshine was a he or a she. 

Godspeed, Sunshine.  Your memory is eternal with me.

I pray God sends more workers into the harvest. 

I pray for a Yes Generation.

Victoria, Christopher, I am so sorry. 

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Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? ’When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? ’Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’ - Matthew 25:35-40

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The pluses and minuses of a day

On the plus side for today:
Coming home to really cute kittens
12 free cans of kitten food
Free parking
Boss in a good mood and it's the end of my work week
We've raised over $2000 for Teddy's surgery

On the minus side:
Blinky has been peeing all over the place since the kitten's arrival
Too many things to do in every day
New kittens at Gloria's and nobody to foster them

Simon, Liesl and Ellis

We will see what tomorrow brings, I've got some feral cat feeding, a vet visit for the kittens, a drop off and pick up at THS and Lionel's dentistry.
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